Una caja en un cajón

Una caja en un cajón

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Muchos años pasaron

But if we can attribute events to destiny...
Then why do we struggle to live...
All living beings are born, and they eventually die, that’s all there is to it...
So, you are saying that its pointless to wish or hope for anything?
No, no, that’s not it...
It is simply the truth behind us human beings, and this world that we love so much
No matter how long or how hard you strive to live
It something that everyone should knows, but forgets
However I alone will remember, I will never forget it
But everyone chooses life...
As if you were resisting something
As if you were longing for something
What are we to do, when we find out that our wishes will not fulfilled?
When we find out, that its been destined?
I wouldn’t know about such a thing
I just know about my self
Its like moving through a maze
There is many paths before you
And you simply choose one and follow it
You always believe that what is at the end of the path
Is what you've been wishing for
And I follow the path in order to confirm the fact that there is nothing for me
In the end.
It cant be helped, I’ve already decided
Just who decided?? And what is decided??
It couldn’t be helped...
But was that really by choice?
Did you really choose it your self?
Perhaps what we wish for was actually beyond the path that we weren’t able to choose?
Time will run out while you ponder
A path that you did not choose, might as well never existed
If only back then!
If only back then...
We can not go back, no matter how much we look back.
We can not change anything,
All we can do is keep moving forward into the unforeseeable future.
Some time other than now...
Some place other than here...
(mankind wish's for to be stronger than others, to be more advance than others.
And to be more privileged than others. They compete, they envy, hate, and consume each other)
The wonderful thing must be there,
Will you all walk down the path of bloodshed for all eternity in search of what you wish for?
How unfortunate...
Are you saying that there is no salvation?
What is salvation?
Is it for all your hopes and wishes come true?
"I wasn't supposed to be like this"
Is it for your wishes to be granted, to turn back time?
Then, can you say for sure that you won't make the same mistake the next time?
Just who decided? And what is decided?
Then I will change everything
If we can go back, then I will travel the down the correct path from the beginning
What one can do...
And what one should do
Because you yourself know that best

elbow 31.01.2007 2007

viernes, 2 de abril de 2010

Equinoccio Equinoccio

Vivo en un mundo sin Veredas, donde caminar tranquilo resulta imposible, donde sonreír luego de pisar la cola emponzoñada de un alacrán es el saludo matutino del sol, hace meses volví a recordar que existe un mundo entero y sombrío donde las personas se levantan muy, demasiado temprano y caminan a encadenarse.
El primer día luego de 2 años de no levantarme temprano caminé, pero nada estaba como la ultima vez, ya no habían veredas, y esquivar autos y cuidar el paso y mirar hacia adelante son tareas no pagas (uno se pregunta ¿porque tanta lucha?)
La gente que vio a otra gente correr en dirección contraria, murió de risa... por eso ahora resulta mas fácil no solo esquivar autos, cuidar el paso y mirar adelante sino también esquivar el ulular de las lechuzas diurnas. Estas turulecas aves que no corresponden al tiempo y el espacio, su ulular desgarra camisas y provoca un sangrado de nariz.
De vez en cuando suelo caminar a algún destino
debes en cuando caminar a algún destino
Insensato resulta ser
Obligatorio es no ser o ser.